I recently read
"You Have No Friends: Everyone else is on Facebook. Why aren't you?" on Slate.com (http://www.slate.com/id/2208678/pagenum/all/#p2) and I was going to write a long drawn out response (I'm not on Facebook.) But instead of dawning my tinfoil hat, I thought I would experiment with a survey.
If you would rather just respond in a comment for the world to see, you can do that too!

It should probably be noted that at one time I had 2 (two) Myspace accounts at the same time (one was a Tyler Durden-esc alter ego.) After one of the most life changing conversations with my wife (at the time she was my girlfriend) my perspective changed about myspace and social media permanently.
Anyway, what are your thoughts? Let me know!
Lastly for those who aren't sure what social media is here are some examples:
oh...and yes...Blogger is considered social media too!
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