We traveled from Prineville to Kimberly, Oregon to Spray, Oregon to Fossil, Oregon. We stayed at a camp near Fossil for the night...we had the entire camp area to ourselves! Bear Hollow was the name of the campsite yet we saw no bears. The next day we did find out that there is a bear "at large" in the area. No wonder the first camp site we drove through had a large bear trap on the grounds.
Fossil is an adorable town with a lot of character. It's a bit on the dry and dust side for us, but we could see how people live there for generations.
After driving through Wildhorse we took the back roads to Ashwood, Oregon. The pavement literally ended just past town. Although we didn't stop here, we could tell that this town had a lot of history. Just as we left town we had to wait for two baby fawns (smaller than a medium sized dog) and their mother to let us go by. It's rare to see a fawn that small let alone two!
We spent the night in Madras at Sonny's Motel (nice place) and before going to bed grabbed some food from Subway (for me) and from a little taco stand (for my wife) in the parking lot of Dollar Tree. When we stopped at the taco stand I saw that we had a flat (I'm guessing from all the back-country driving) and "fix a flatted" it on the spot. This morning I got up and took it to Les Schwab's for a new tire and had the rest of them balanced. Madras was a good place for us to get a flat. It would have been a little tougher to get a new tire in a town like Spray.
Today we are off to the Cove Palisades and then maybe onto Florence. . .
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